Sunday, March 9, 2014

Canned Ham Circa '58

Buck and I were cruising Craig's List looking for a propane stove for our future outdoor kitchen, when I came upon a trailer,  a 1958 Oasis 15 footer. Buck called the next morning, but did not hear back.  We assumed it had been turned into a fancy food cart in Portland, were sad and bitter for a while, then got over it.

A week later, we heard back.  It was still available.  We raced off, looked at it in the dark with a flashlight, and bought it. is our new guest house.  She needs some cleaning and some structural work but she is one very cool little vintage trailer. With an ice box...
 and the original round edged cabinetry

 a full size bed and a single bunk...
and a great place to sit and do a crossword puzzle over coffee.
The stove and ice box seem to be original, and the stove works great.
The paint is not original, so we will have to decide what to do about that. 
It was delivered today, and we spent the evening googling trailers.  It was sold to us as a 59, but our research is leading us to believe it is a 58.  It seems only 58's had the quilted doors.
It has a lot of its original details, but is so far from stock that we don't feel a need to restore it.  Instead, we will feel free to make it work well, rather than make it authentic.
We are very excited!

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